Sunday, January 2, 2011

Finished Projects: Avatar Aang

For the past few weeks I've been crafting like crazy, but unfortunately due to the fact my laptop was away getting its fan replaced I didn't really have the ability to post my projects. I was using my mom's computer for most internet things, but I didn't have my program to touch the photos up a tiny bit with resizing and whatnot. However, my computer is back now and I have the ability to post projects again!

Avatar Aang

It's Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender! I'm a big fan of the cartoon (and admittedly entertained by the movie, but definitely not in the way it was intended to be entertaining if it was intended to be at all) and my friend had been trying to get me to watch it for AGES. Unfortunately, it took years for me to finally watch it because it was a Nickelodeon cartoon. I did finally get over that issue, and for that friend's birthday I made her this doll. The clothes were a little more complicated than I had thought they would be going in, but considering I pretty much free-handed them, I think they turned out pretty well.

Avatar Aang: Face Close Up

Personally, I'm a big fan of the ears.

1 comment:

ashley said...

Hi! Nice blog :) It's great to see another nerdfighter on blogger! (There really aren't that many of us...)That is SO COOL that you made THAT out of just some yarn. I'd love if you could check out my blog, too :)

<3 ashley