Monday, September 6, 2010

Let the crafty chronicling commence!

My mom taught me how to crochet at an early age, perhaps too early. My motor skills were barely capable of manipulating those silly hooks, and my attention span could only last a row or two before I abandoned the "project" for my beloved Pikachu trapped in my Gameboy Color. Not much has changed since those days in terms of my video game addiction, but much has changed in terms of my crafting abilities (and addition to that as well!). Especially with amigurumi (which technically is the Japanese "style" of crocheting animals, but it's been expanded to refer to crocheted toys in general) and general doll making. My first attempt, created sometime last October or November, was... interesting.

Look at the embroidery on that mouth! Excellent jagged lines! And the safety eyes! And the odd shaped head due to my inability to count! Yes, lets just say my skills have improved since then. The following is the latest doll I made. This one was made (without a pattern!) for my friend's birthday.

Part of what I enjoy about crocheting and learning new skills is getting to compare how I'm doing along the way. So, I have decided to start this blog to chronicle my (hopefully) growing arsenal of yarn and other craft related skills. Such as the fact that I have been teaching myself how to knit, although the only thing I've knitted so far is half a Gryffindor scarf. If you're interested in my creations, feel free to follow/bookmark/whatever it is you use to follow internet things. I'm hoping to update this at least once a week, with works in progress, finished projects, peeks into my yarn stash, and tutorials if you want them.

Side note #1: The inspiration for the title (and subtitle) of this blog comes from a science fiction show from the 90s called Babylon 5. There's a scene in which a character says, "We are star stuff. We are the universe made manifest, trying to figure itself out."

Side note #2: Sometimes my video game and crafting addiction collides, such as when I crocheted a pikachu (again, without a pattern, I have a thing about patterns). I plan on creating more geeky video game related crafts :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the little yellow girl! How did you get her eyes like that? I'm also curious about the mouth. I can never seem to get mouths that are curved without it looking a bit choppy.